A Discussion in Intermediate Calculus




Thomas Nguyen




One common technique that is used to evaluate integrals is changing coordinate systems. As a principle, students are familiar with using Polar coordinate for double integrals (two-dimensional) and Cylindrical/Spherical coordinate for triple integrals (three-dimensional). However, James Stewart, in his Calculus book (Early Transcendentals Multivariable 5e), applied several times the spherical coordinate system to demonstrate the use the parametric representation for calculation of double integrals. One particular demonstration is example 5 in pages 1117-1118. This is not an appropriate way to demonstrate the use of parametric representation. It might cause confusing for students not only by inappropriate coordinate system choice but also by difficulty of interpretation of the transformation: dA --> dФ.dθ (*). A suggested solution will be proposed.




Find the flux of vector field F(x,y,z) = z.i + y.j + x.k   across the unit sphere:

x2 + y2 + z2 =1.


Stewarts solution: 


Using the parametric representation


r(Ф,θ) = sinФ cosθ i + sinФ sinθ j + cosФ k         0 ≤ Ф ≤ л       0 ≤ θ ≤ 2л


We have

















and by formula 9, the flux is

























Suggested solution: 


Of course the best solution for this problem is using The Divergence Theorem






However, we want to use parametric representation to solve it. Therefore I am going to solve this problem by using Polar coordinate system (2-D). I prefer to rewrite equation 8 from page 1116 (James Stewarts Calculus 5e) as the following:





Apply this formula for our problem:       and  F = <z,y,x>


By symmetry, we can compute the flux across semi sphere first (we will double answer later), therefore from:




We have           







Using Polar parametric representation:            --->   


where     0 ≤ r ≤ 1    and     0 ≤ θ ≤ 2л









                               Let  u = 1- r2








Hence total flux crosses entire of the sphere is:       






Although the problem asks for the flux across a space surface S (3-D) and vector field F is given with three components x, y, and z; however, because the problem�s domain is transferred from S to a plane surface D; furthermore, because of constrain x2+y2+z2=1, we can consider this problem as a problem with two variables x and y. Therefore, it makes sense for students to use Polar in double integral and to avoid a confusing setting:  dA = dФ.dθ (*)   of using sphere parametric representation. We can use Polar instead of Sphere for example 10 in page 1104, example 2 in page 1112, and example 5 in page 1117 with the same technique that has shown above.


San Diego, November 28th, 2006



Second discussion




Thomas Nguyen





Isaac Newton is a great scientist. He had invented many useful things for life. Polar coordinate system is one of his inventions (written 1671). Polar coordinate system is very helpful in many cases. It is used in many fields, including mathematics, physics, engineering, navigation, and robotics. However, I am still wondering why when he invented this coordinate system, he set      not        (zero or positive numbers).

I prefer the following setting:



where:                    r 0        and         


There are two main reasons for my claim:


-         When we convert from Cartesian to Polar, we do not need to worry about choosing r to be positive or negative.


-         We do not have to worry about whether we were missing solutions or not.


Let consider one example (Example 3 in page 671, Early Transcendentals Multivariable Calculus 5e of James Stewart)





Represent the point with Cartesian coordinate system (1, -1) in Polar coordinate system.




Stewarts solution: 


If we choose r to be positive, the Equation 2            give:






Since the point lies in the fourth quadrant, we can choose:     


Thus one possible answer is     and another is  






First, as you can see the author first has to make the statement:  �If we choose r to be positive, ...�; Students can wonder such as �Why we choose r to be positive?� or �What if r to be chosen negative?�


In negative case of r, there are two more basic possible solutions, which are:




These two additional solutions came up because of the rule   ( i.e. r can be negative or positive). It seems like we put ourself into troubles (ex: forgetting solutions sometimes or some students might be lost some points if in their solutions, they declair these two new solutions!). Why we dont set r  to be positive because angle θ can cover all positions in the plane.


When we solve the equation:        we just have to look at where the point located in Cartesian as James Stewart did and we have to write only one general solution:





In this case, we will not to worry about all solutions with negative r.  Life would be easier then for students.


I have tried all times to apply this setting into other applications of Polar coordinate system (and Cylindrical coordinate system-3D) such as solving double, triple integrals without any problems. It is very convinient to use this setting to determine is in which direction (θ) and how far (r) to move for a robot. It makes sense in avitation, too; for example, an aircraft traveling 5 nautical miles due East will be travelling 5 units at heading 90. However, I am worrying that perhaps in some cases we need the setting r to be negative to cover all possible options in some special problems. That�s why I really appreciate it if someone can explain why Newton made such that setting.




I am always looking for simpler/better methods/techniques to solve problems. This is one of my own experiences that have helped me went through my studying.


San Diego, December 15th, 2006




A Discussion in Geometry


Thomas Nguyen



            Calculus is a very powerful tool to solve optimization problems in Geometry. Quite commonly, students have been learned and paid respect to Calculus much more than Algebra. They usually think Intermediate Algebra or College Algebra is �elementary school� stuff.

            Using Algebra to solve optimization problems in Geometry has not been seen much in college. In this article, I am going to demonstrate the beauty of some of Algebra�s tools (Cauchy�s Formula, Ploting technique, etc). I think after reading this article, students will have a new look on Algebra. 

Example 1: (Example 6, page 958, Early Transcendental Multivariable Calculus 5e., James Stewart)

This example demonstrates how to use partial derivatives to solve optimization problems.

            A rectangular box without a lid is to be made from 12 m2 of cardboard. Find the maximum volume of such a box.

Book�s Solution: Let the length, width, and height of the box (in meters) be x, y, and z, as shown in Figure 10. Then the volume of the box is   V = xyz


                                                                          Figure 10

            We can express V as a function of just two variables x and y by using the fact that the area of the four sides and the bottom of the box is

                                                                        2xz + 2yz + xy = 12 (m2)

            Solving this equation for  z, we get  z = (12 � xy)/[2(x+y)], so the expression for V becomes



            We compute the partial derivatives:




            If  V is maximum, then   but  x = 0 or y = 0 gives  V = 0, so we must solve the equations


            There imply that  x2 = y2  and so  x = y. (Note that x  and y must both be positive in this problem.) If we put  x = y  in either equation we get

            12 � 3x2 = 0 , which gives  x = 2, y = 2, and  z = (12 � 2.2)/[2(2+2)] = 1.

            We could use the Second Derivatives Test to show that this gives a local maximum of V, or we could simply argue from the physical nature of this problem that these must be an absolute maximum volume, which has to occur at a critical point of V, so it must occur when  x = 2, y = 2, and z = 1. Then  V = 2.2.1 = 4 (m3), so the maximum volume of the box is 4m3.



As you can see in this solution, the author only shows details in finding critical points, how to prove these critical values are absolute maximum values is just a suggestion. Although partial derivatives can solve this problem, their solution is �pretty� tough, isn�t it?

Before showing Algebra�s solution, I�d like to introduce one of Algebra�s tools that I am going to use it to solve Example 1.

Cauchy�s Formula:  The geometric mean is smaller than the arithmetic mean. (That�s it. Very neat!)

            We can express it for three variables as follows:

For any  a > 0 , b > 0, and c > 0, we have               with equality in the case    a = b = c.

Solving Example by using Cauchy�s Formula:

Call x, y, and z are three sides of the box as shown in Figure 10. Because they are 3 sides of the box, they must be positive (i.e   x > 0, y > 0, and z > 0 ---> Let  a = (2xz) > 0,  b = (2yz) > 0, and c = (xy) > 0  ----> a, b, and c satisfies Cauchy�s condition, therefore, we have:

                       The right side is always smaller or equal to the left side. The equality case happens only when a = b = c.


That means when      2xz = 2yz = xy   ----->  x = y = 2z                                                                                            (1)

In this case, the right side will become                              (2)

From (2), we can say that the volume V is maximum, when condition (1) is satisfied, but:   a + b + c = 2xz + 2yz + xy = 12 m2  (3)

Therefore, by using (1) and (3) we can easily have:      x = y = 2  and  z =1    ------>     Vmax= xyz = 2.2.1 = 4 m3.


Note:  Now you have seen the beauty of Cauchy�s Formula (one of Algebra�s tool). In this solution, we know very clear that x = y = 2 and z = 1 are absolute critical values, and V = 4 m3 is the absolute maximum value that it can have (Cauchy�s equality satisfied). The solution is short, compact, and clear by comparison to Calculus�s partial derivatives tool.



Example 2: (Example 1, page 332, Early Transcendentals Single Variable Calculus 5e, James Stewart)

A farmer has 2400 ft fencing and wants to fence off a rectangular field that borders a straight river. He needs no fence along  the river. What are the dimensions of the field that has the largest area?



Book�s Solution:  We wish to maximize the area A of the rectangle. Let a and b be the depth and width of the rectangle (in feet). Then we express A in term of x and y:

                                                A = xy

We want to express A as a function of just one variable, so we eliminate y by expressing it in terms of x. To do this we use the given information that the total length of the fencing is 2400 ft. Thus

                                                2x + y = 2400

From this equation we have     y = 2400 � 2x, which gives

                                                A = x(2400 � 2x) = 2400x � 2x2

Note that x ≥ 0 and x ≤ 1200 (otherwise  A < 0). So the function that we wish to maximize is

                                                A(x) = 2400x � 2x2         0 ≤ x ≤ 1200

The derivative is   A�(x) = 2400 � 4x, so to find the critical numbers we solve the equation     2400 � 4x = 0

Which give   x = 600. The maximum value of A must occur either at this critical number or at an endpoint of the interval. Since  A(0) = 0, A(600) = 720,000  and   A(1200) = 0, the Closed Interval Method gives the maximum value as A(600) = 720,000.

[Alternately, we could have observed that A�(x) = - 4 < 0 for all x, so A is always concave downward and the local maximum at x = 600 must be an absolute maximum.]


Algebraic Solution:  Let x = 2a and y = b (x > 0, y > 0 satisfied Cauchy�s condition). Apply Cauchy�s Formula for two variables:


Hence the area of the field A will be maximized only when equality�s hold, i.e.      x = y  or   2a = b               (1)

We have given information:       2a + b = 2400                      (2)

From (1) and (2), we have:         a = 600 and b = 1200  ------>    Amax = 720,000 ft2.




Example 3:  (Example 5, page 336, Early Transcendentals Single Variable Calculus 5e, James Stewart)

            Find the area of the largest rectangle that can be inscribed in a semicircle of radius r.

Book�s Solution: 

Let�s take the semicircle to be the upper half of the circle:  x2 + y2 = r2 with center the origin. Then the word inscribed means that the rectangle has two vertices on the semicircle and two vertices on the x-axis as shown in Figure 9.

Let (x,y) be the vertex that lies in the first quadrant. Then the rectangle has sides or lenghs 2x and y, so its area is

                                                                        A = 2xy

To eliminatey we use the fact that (x,y) lies on the circle, so  . Thus       

The domain of this function is    0 ≤ x ≤r. Its derivative is


Which is 0  when  2x2 = r2, that is,     (since  x ≥ 0). This value of x gives a maximum value of A since A(0) = 0 and A(r) = 0. Therefore, the area of the largest inscribed rectangle is



                                                      Figure 10.

Trigonometric Solution(special):  A simpler solution is possible if we think of using an angle as a variable. Let θ be the angle shown in Figure 10. Then the area of the rectangle is


Wi know that sin(2θ) has a maximum value of 1 and it occurs when  2θ = л/2.

So A(θ) has a maximum value of r2 and it occurs when  θ = л/4

Algebraic Solution: We have x > 0, y > 0 ---> x2 > 0 and y2 > 0 satified Cauchy�s condition. Apply Cauchy�s Formula for two variables

                                      = half of rectangle area.

If this area is maximized, then entire of rectangle area will be maximized. This happens when equality�s hold:  x2 = y2  or    x = y     (1)

Furthermore, we have   x2 + y2 = r2    (Pythagorean Theorem)  (2).

From (1) and (2), we have      and      Amax = 2xmaxymax = r2.


Example 4:  (Example 2, page 333, Early Transcendentals Single Variable Calculus 5e, James Stewart)

            A cylindrical can is to be made to hold 1 L of oil. Find the dimensions that will minimize the cost of the metal to manufacture the can.


Book�s Solution:   Diagram as in Figure 3, where r is the radius and h the height (both in centimeters). In order to minimize the cost of the metal, we minimize the total surface area of the cylinder (top, bottom, and sides). We see that the sides are made from a rectangular sheet with dimension 2л.r and h. So the surface area is

                                                A = 2л.r2 + 2л.r.h

To eliminate h we use the fact that the volume is given as 1 L, where we take to be 1000 cm3. Thus:     л.r2.h = 1000

Which gives:  h = 1000/(л.r2). Substitution of this into the expression for A gives


Therefore, the function that we want to minimize is


To find the critical numbers, we differentiate


Then A�(r) = 0  when лr2 = 500, so the only critical number is     

Since the domain of A is (0,∞), we can�t use the argument of Example 1 concerning endpoints. But we can observe that A�(r) < 0 for   and A�(r) > 0 for   , so A is decreasing for all r to the left of the critical number and increasing for all r to the right. Thus

 must give rise to an absolute minimum.

[Alternately, we could argue that A(r)--> ∞ as r --> 0+  and A(r) --> ∞  as r --> ∞, so there must be a minimum value of A(r), which must occur at the critical number]. The value of h corresponding to    is


Thus, to minimize the cost of the can, the radius should be   cm and the height should be equal to twice the radius, namely, the diameter.

The total surface will be



Discussion: This solution is also pretty tough for most of students at this level, especially the argument at the end of the solution (argue that the value   is the minimum value). Let�s see how Algebra deals with this problem


Algebraic solution :  Let R be the radius, h be the height, S be the total surface, V be the volue of the cylinder can. We have

            S = 2* лR2 + 2лRh    (1)   and     V = лR2h = 1000 cm3  (2)

Solve h from (2) and substitude h into (1), which gives               


Plot (3) in Cartesian coordinate system, we have



Note:    R = (1.7* pi) is equivalent to    . This is the critical value for minimum value of total surface area.

We can have         and       S ≈ 554 m2   the same as Calculus solution (we don�t need derivatives).



From now on, I just show problems and Algebraic solutions only.


Example 5:  If the length of the diagonal of a rectangular box must be L, what if the largest possible volume?

Algebraic Solution: Let x, y, and z be the width, length, and height of the rectangular box with diagonal�s length L. Set a = x2, b = y2, and c = z2. Then a > 0, b > 0, and c > 0 satisfied Cauchy�s condition. Apply Cauchy�s Formula for 3 variables:


The right side is      Similarly, Volume V is maximized only when equality�s hold. That means:

                                    a = b = c    ----------->   x2 = y2 = z2      (1)      

Furthermore, we have given information:     x2 + y2 + z2 = L2     (2)

From (1) , (2) and condition:  x > 0, y > 0, z > 0, we have:                  


Example 6:  Find the dimensions of a rectangular box of maximum volume such that the sum of the lengths of its 12 edges is a constant c.

Algebraic Solution: Setting 3 dimensions as Example 4. Then the sum of all edges is:                  4(x + y + z) = c         (1)

Similar argument in Example 4, the volume of the rectangular box is maximized only when:            x = y = z                  (2)

Solve (1) & (2), we have         x = y = z = c/12      hence       Vmax = (c/12)3


Example 7:  Find the dimensions of the rectangle of largest area that has its base on the x-axis and its other two vertices above the x-axis and lying on the parabola:  y = 8 � x2.


Algebraic Solution:  Let x be the width and y be the length of a half of inscribed rectangle (they are also two coordinates of point P).

 We have        A = 2* x.y        (1)          Furthermore, because P belongs to the parabola, so we have       y = 8 � x2.       (2)

Substitute (2) into (1), which gives                A = 16x � 2x3.              (3)

Note:   Since the rectangle must be inscribed  --->  Conditions for x and y:            

Plot (3) in the Cartesian coordinate system with interval for x is     , we got the following graph:    


We can see that   xmax = sqrt(8/3) ;  therefore     y = 8 � x2 = 8 � (8/3) = 16/3       and       Amax =2xmaxy ≈ 17.4  (we don�t need derivatives)


Example 8: A rectangular building is being designed to minimize heat loss. The east and west walls lose heat at a rate of 10 units/m2 per day, the north and south walls at a rate of 8 units/m2 per day, the floor at a rate of 1 unit/m2 per day, and the roof at a rate of 5 units/m2 per day. Each wall must be at least 30 m long, the height must be at least 4 m, and the volume must be exactly 4000 m3. Find the dimensions that minimize heat loss?

Algebraic Solution:


Let L, W, and H be the length, the width, and the height of the building, then boudary conditions are:   W ≥ 30 ;  From   V = LWH = 4000 m3    (1)

--->  H = 4000/(WL)  ≥ 4  so      30 ≤ L ≤  1000/W     (*)  We can plot these conditions as follows:







Total heat loss is:     T = (2WH)*10 + (2LH)*8 + (WL)*1 + (WL)*5 = 20WH + 16LH + 6WL       (2)

Let a = 20WH;  b = 16LH;   c = 6WL;    a, b, c > 0 satisfied Cauchy�s Formula, hence




The left side (total heat loss T) will be minimized only when equality�s hold; i.e.  only when   a = b = c      or       20WH = 16LH = 6WL   (4)

By solving (1) & (4), we got a critical point:               

Heat loss in this case is about 9,396 units (this is the minimum heat loss that we might have)

(No derivatives needed!)

This critical point is the only one we can have, but it�s not satisfied condition (*); However, this is a bounday value problem (an absolute max/min problem), therefore we continue checking the boundary to find the minimum heat loss which satisfied condition (*). Solve the boundary value problem, we have:


On B1      Tmin(W,L) = Tmin(30, 30) = 10,200 units (minimum heat loss)

On B2      Tmin(W,L) = Tmin(100/3, 30) ≈ 10,533   units 

On B3      Tmin(W,L) = Tmin(30, 30) = 10,200 units (minimum heat loss)

            =====>  Dimensions of the building that minimized heat loss (10,200 units) are:  L = W = 30 m   and H = 40/9 ≈ 4.44 m

Note:  Because of boundary conditions, dimensions (W, L, H) = (30, 30, 4.44) become the chosen dimensions with the minimum heat loss of 10,200 units. If there were no boundary condition, then the chosen dimensions would be (W, L, H) = ( 20.43, 25.54, 7.66) with the minimum heat loss of 9, 396 units.



                        San Diego, December 18th, 2006





A Discussion in Algebra


Thomas Nguyen

(This article was certified by Register of Copyright, USA in January 2007)



In Algebra, when dealing with trinomials in general form   ax2 + bx + c  there is a very efficient factoring method called �Master Product and Sum�.  The main focus of this method is trying to split the middle term (bx) into two parts ( bx = n1x + n2x  ), then using grouping method to factor again.

In general, there are 4 steps as the following:

-          Step 1: Form the product (ac)

-          Step 2: Find a pair of numbers whose product is (ac) and whose sum is (b)

-          Step 3: Rewrite the trinomial to be factored so that the middle term (bx) is written as the sum of two terms whose coefficients are the two numbers found in step 2

-          Step 4: Continue to factor by grouping method

Example: Factor   3x2 � 10x � 8

Solution: The above trinomial has the form   ax2 + bx + c,  where  a = 3,  b = -10,  and  c = - 8

-          Step 1:  The product (ac) = 3. (-8) = - 24

-          Step 2: We need to find two numbers whose product is � 24 and whose sum is � 10, Let�s list all the pairs of number whose product is � 24 to find the pair whose sum is � 10

Product = -24

Sum of two numbers = -10


1(-24) = -24

-1(24) = -24

2(-12) = -24

-2(12) = -24

3(-8) = -24

-3(8) = -24

4(-6) = -24

-4(6) = -24



1+(-24) = -23

-1+(24) = 23

2+(-12) = -10  <----- here

-2+(12) = 10

3+(-8) = -5

-3+(8) = 5

4+(-6) = -2

-4+(6) = 2

                        As you can see, of all the pairs of numbers whose product is � 24, only 2 and � 12 have a sum of � 10

-          Step 3:  We now rewrite our original trinomial so the middle term -10x is written as the sum of � 12x and 2x (splitting step)

3x2 � 10x � 8 = 3x2 � 12x + 2x � 8

-          Step 4: Factoring by grouping method, we have

3x2 � 12x + 2x � 8 = (3x2 � 12x) + (2x � 8)

                               = 3x(x � 4) + 2(x � 4)

                               = (x � 4).(3x + 2)

You can check this answer by multiplying (x � 4) and (3x + 2) to get (3x2 � 10x � 8)


I can have a similar method to factor trinomial, but after step 1 and 2, students can write out the answer in general form. Then they usually need one more step to rewrite the answer in the simplest form. My method is actually not save much space in the solution space; however, it helps students to avoid the splitting step and the grouping step which are pretty �tough� for most of them at this level. Because they have a tough time to deal with rewrite two splitting terms and decide which term will go with what in order to do grouping.

My Method:

-          Step 1: Same as Step 1 above

-          Step 2: Same as Step 2 above

-          Step 3: After Step 2, we found two numbers n1 and n2 that satisfied the product and sum condition. Now, we just write out the answer in the following form



Redo above example:  After Step 2 (with table), we have found two numbers 2 and -12 that satisfied the product and sum condition.               Now let�s try to write out the answer:


            Of course, you will ask me �Can you prove your formula?�


Proof of formula (1):

            As we know, two solutions of the general trinomial are:     

            therefore                                                                            (2)


            and                                                        (3)


            There is a theorem that states (2) & (3) of two solutions of a quadratic equation, but it does not have any relations to n1 and n2

The next simple trick is very important in order to find the formula (1).

Multiply both sides of (2) by a                    a(x1 + x2) = - b            or          (- ax1 ) + (- ax2 ) = b                                               (4)

            Multiply both sides of (3) by a2                   a2(x1*x2) = a2 (c/a)      or         (- ax1)*(- ax2) = ac                                                   (5)

            From (4) and (5), we can see that (- ax1) and (- ax2) are the two numbers that satisfied the product and sum condition (product is ac and sum is b).

            Hence                                                       (6)


            We all know that we can write the trinomial in the form:                                                (7)

            Solve x1 and x2 from (6), and plug them into (7):                  



That is the formula (1).


Conclusion:   Trying to find simpler methods/techniques to solve problems is one of my hobbies. I think this is a better way to do �Master Product and Sum� and it should be a benefit to students. If anybody has seen the formula (1) before (i.e. someone else did create this formula before me), please let me know.


                        San Diego, Fall 2004







Thomas Nguyen


Example 7 (page 812, Early Transcendental Multivariable Calculus 5e - James Stewart - ISBN: 0-534-41778-7)

A crate is hauled 8 (m) up a ramp under a constant force of 200 (N) applied at an angle of 25o   to the ramp. Find the work done.

James Stewart's solution:

If F and D are the force and displacement vectors, as pictured in Figure 7, then the work done is

                                    W = F. D = |F|.|D|. cos(α) = (200)(8)cos(25o) ≈ 1450 Nm = 1450 J


                                                Figure 7


Suggested Modification:

There are two ways to modify this problem:

    - First, easiest way, to keep James' solution, we should change the question: "A crate is hauled 8 m up a ramp under a constant force of 200 N applied at an angle of 25o  to the ramp. Find the work done by this force (F force)"

However, in Physics, this is not a "normal" way to have a question like this. We have to change problem a little bit: no more up ramp, instead of that, the crate should be moved on horizontal platform as the following figure:


    - Second, with the formal up ramp form (as in Figure 7), the problem needs two more given parameters: the mass of the crate (m) and the deep of the ramp (angle "θ"). Then, in this case, the problem should be modified as the following: "A crate is hauled 8 m up a ramp under a constant force of 200 N applied at an angle of 25o  to the ramp. Find the work done on this crate."

Solution, in this case, is modified, too. Work will be done by two force: F force and gravitational force (g force).


                       W = F. D  - [m.g.sin(θ)]. D                    where "θ" is the deep of the ramp.


Last but not least, frictionless should be stated.


        San Diego, Tuesday August 15th, 2006